Switching design system versions in Sketch
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Switching design system versions in Sketch

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Article Summary

At any time, you can check which version of a design system you’re using via the plugin. When a new design system version is released by editors, the DSM-Sketch plugin will display a notification. You can then quickly update to the latest design system version and its managed libraries.

You can also check if your working document is out of date with the latest design system assets via the native Sketch Libraries notification. You’ll be able to selectively apply changes to each of the documents.

To manually switch design system versions:

  1. Above the left-hand layers list, open the DSM plugin panel. 
  2. To the right of your design system, click the version drop down. (It may say Draft or the version you're viewing.)  
  3. Select the preferred version, and select Switch.

When you switch to a different version of the design system, all managed libraries will be replaced in Sketch. This could also trigger Sketch’s notification for available library updates.

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