Reordering items in the legacy DSM Sketch plugin
  • 10 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reordering items in the legacy DSM Sketch plugin

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Article Summary

This article applies specifically to legacy DSM. In the new DSM, items are reordered via the documentation site. Learn more about developing documentation in the new DSM.
Sketch 85 is the last version of Sketch supported by the legacy DSM plugin.

By default, legacy DSM will alphanumerically sort items in your design system. You can also reorder items manually.

To select a sort order:

  1. In Sketch, click the legacy DSM icon ().
  2. In the left-hand panel of the DSM window, select a category or folder.
  3. At the top right, click the ••• (more) icon.
  4. To sort alphanumerically, click Sort by Name, and then click Confirm.
    To sort manually instead, click Sort Manually, and then click Switch to Manual.

If you've enabled manual sorting, newly added items will appear at the bottom of a list.

If you've enabled manual sorting, newly added items will appear at the bottom of a list.

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