Managing your people in a DSM design system
  • 01 Feb 2023
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Managing your people in a DSM design system

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Article summary

People management 

đź“Ą Inviting or adding team members to a design system

To add users to a DSM design system:

  1. Sign in to the DSM website.
  2. Open your design system and click the Share button.
  3. In the share dialog, enter the name of the person you want to add.
    The person must first be part of the DSM organization.
  4. If you're an admin on the DSM Enterprise plan, select a role for the user (Viewer, Editor, or Admin). If you're an editor on the DSM Enterprise plan, you can't change the user's role; they are added to the design system with the same permissions they have at the organization level. If you’re using DSM Free, the role is locked to Admin.
  5. Click Invite.

đź‘Ą Changing user roles in a design system

After inviting team members, you may want to make changes to ensure privacy or simply manage a design system’s users. At any time, you can change a user’s role or remove them from the organization.

You cannot downgrade a user's permissions. For example, organization admins will retain admin privileges at the system level. Roles are only available a DSM Enterprise plan.

To change a user's role:

  1. Sign in to the DSM website.
  2. Open a design system and click the Share button.
  3. Next to the user's name, click the drop-down and select the appropriate role.

⛔️ Removing users from a design system

To remove users from a DSM design system:

  1. Sign in to the DSM website.
  2. Open a design system and click the Share button.
  3. Next to the user's name, click the drop-down and select Remove.

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