How to version a design system
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to version a design system

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Article Summary

Version control in DSM fundamentally improves how you build and iterate on your design system. You can ensure it stays a reliable source of truth by releasing updated versions of your design system to the team only when ready.

Versions provide a read-only format that allows collaborators to view and pull assets without interfering with your current work. Versions are also helpful when teams are working on projects that require an older or newer instance of your design system.

Versioning at the design system-level

Versioning communicates how things change with your design system throughout its lifecycle. With DSM, you version a design system documentation site at a point in time, not a specific component. This includes the documentation, foundations, components, and tokens. As your system advances and matures, you'll continue to release versions. 

A design system is a living, ever-changing entity.

Tips for versioning

  • Communicate your version releases in a regular channel—like a blog post or internal message—so that everyone is on the same page.
  • Depending on your team and scope, include updates to design elements, live coded elements, guidelines for usage, and general information on processes established. 
  • Collaborate and communicate with your core team regularly to encourage a shared language. Template out your process for version releases to establish a consistent end user experience.

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