Getting started with InVision V6
  • 02 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Getting started with InVision V6

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Article summary

This article provides answers for InVision V6

To confirm your version, check the upper right corner of your dashboard. On V7? Check out the V7 documentation instead.

InVision is the world’s leading product design collaboration platform. If you're new to InVision and want an overview, this documentation is for you.

In this guide, we'll introduce the core concepts of InVision and get you on your way to configuring and creating your very own InVision documents. We've included some videos along the way, as well as links to FAQs in our Knowledge Base, to help you get up and running.

If you haven't already created an InVision account, you can sign up here.

Video Thumbnail

When you're ready to get started, click the Next button below. This introduction guide will cover InVision plans and pricing, roles and permissions, and overview where you can find additional information about InVision.

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