Focus mode overview
  • 21 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Focus mode overview

  • Dark

Article summary

Freehands can be big and messy as you and your team brainstorm, refine, and deliver projects. Sometimes when sharing a freehand, you want to keep the other person focused on a single area, without the distraction of the wider canvas.

Focus mode works by making a single, chosen smart object the focus of the document. Once you set a smart object as the focused object, whenever anyone opens that document, they are put directly into focus mode.

In focus mode, the focused object is the only thing accessible. You aren't able to zoom in or out and the wider canvas isn't accessible until exiting focus mode.

Set a focused object

A freehand can have a single focused object.

To set a focused object, select it on the canvas. In the contextual menu, select Pin to document.

Exit focus mode

To exit focus mode and return to the larger canvas, select image Ideate on canvas.

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