Creating design tokens in DSM
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Creating design tokens in DSM

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Article Summary

With DSM you can quickly create and edit design tokens, allowing you to build out a robust documentation site for your design system.

Creating a new tokens set

Tokens in DSM are organized into sets. Tokens sets correspond to JSON files with multiple tokens.

Adding a new token

To add a new token, open a tokens set and click Create new token, add a Name & Value for the token and click the Save icon

To add more tokens, select the table and click New token.

Creating a token reference

To create a token reference (often called an “alias”), enter the name of the referenced token in the value field.

After creating the token reference, it will appear as a link in the Value column. Hover over the link to see the current value of the referenced token. If the referenced token is defined more than once (e.g., to support themes), the hover state will show all possible values.

Renaming a token

If you rename a token in the table, DSM will rename it across the system.

For example, assume there are two tokens: = #0B99FF
color.brand.primary =

If you rename to, DSM will change the value of color.brand.primary to automatically.

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