Create tables
  • 03 Aug 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Create tables

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Article Summary

Create tables to bring structure and organization to your data. As you move from brainstorming into planning and execution, you'll need to break a project into tasks, plan resourcing, and get a sense of scheduling.

Tables support a range of properties, including assignees, dates, numbers, and tags.

Add a table to a freehand

To get started with tables, add a table to your freehand.

  1. Select image Layouts > image Table.
  2. Select anywhere on the canvas to add a table.

The table is created within a viewpoint. Within a single viewpoint you can add multiple views of the same data.

Create multiple views in the same viewpoint

When you add a view, such as a table, a viewpoint is created. Within the viewpoint, you can add separate views of the same data.

By adding multiple views, you can sort, filter, and analyze the same information in different ways. Changes you make to properties carry through all views in the viewpoint.

  1. Select + to add a new view.
  2. Name the view to reflect its purpose.
  3. Filter and sort the data as necessary.

Filter, sort, and hide

Apply different filters and sorting to each view in the viewpoint.

When any filtering or sorting is applied:

  • New rows automatically take the value you've filtered or sorted for
  • You cannot insert new rows between existing rows

It's possible to hide individual columns. Each column represents a unique property.

To hide a column, select ••• More > Properties and select the eye.

Anyone can hide properties. If you think a column is missing, make sure it's not hidden.

Rearrange rows and columns

Rearrange both rows and columns by dragging and dropping.

For a row, select, hold, and drag the grey cell at the start of the row you wish to move.

For a column, select, hold, and drag the column name.

Compatibility with other smart objects

Tables are compatible with other smart objects.

Assign people

Add the people smart object to the canvas. Drag a person sticker out of the main smart object to the assignee column. The person's name is added to the cell.

Assign numbers

Drag stickers to a number column to add the value to the cell.

You can only drag and drop values in the number column.

Convert a card to a table row

Cards disappear once added to a table

If you drag a card to a table, the card disappears and can't be recovered.

If you use cards, convert them into table rows by dragging and dropping the cards on the table. All the card properties map to the proper columns. If the cards contain new properties, they're added to the table.

Only compatible with generic cards

Only generic cards can be dragged to a table. Jira, Asana, Trello, and Azure DevOps cards are not supported.

Delete a table

To delete a table, you can either delete a single table view, or the entire viewpoint.

Delete a single view

To delete a single view, select the view. At the far right of the table, select ••• More > Delete view.

Delete the entire viewpoint

To delete the entire viewpoint, you must use the contextual menu.

  1. Select the viewpoint.
  2. In the contextual menu, select ••• More > Delete.
Contextual menu always deletes entire viewpoint

Using delete in the contextual menu always deletes the entire viewpoint. For example, if you highlight a row and use the contextual menu, it will still delete the entire viewpoint.


Tables have the following limitations:

  • Jira, Trello, Asana, and Azure DevOps cards cannot be dragged to a table
  • Can't copy entire rows or columns
  • No undo or redo

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