Automatically importing your legacy DSM libraries to new DSM
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Automatically importing your legacy DSM libraries to new DSM

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Article Summary

Moving to new DSM can be tricky but we've distilled it into 4 quick and easy steps! Watch the videos below and if you need any help.

You can complete the import process as many times as you want. You can even import multiple legacy systems into one new design system.

1. Prepare your components for export

Firstly, you need prepare your components for export into a sketch library file. The new DSM integrates with Sketch via Sketch Libraries, and non-symbol layer groups can’t be referenced from a Sketch library. Therefore, these items can’t be imported.

2. Export your components

Now you'll need to export your components from Legacy DSM to a sketch file.

3. Create a new library and import file

We need to set up a new library to upload your sketch file to and move over your documentation.

4. Configure your new DSM library & add your Sketch file 

Set your permission, theme, add users and then add your DSM managed library to Sketch

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