SCIM: Configuring Okta to Allow Provisioning for InVision V7
  • 22 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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SCIM: Configuring Okta to Allow Provisioning for InVision V7

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Article summary

This article provides answers for InVision V7 only. Not sure which version you're using? Find out now.

InVision V7 Enterprise teams can configure Okta to enable System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning for their InVision members. Before you start, however, an owner or admin on the Enterprise team will need to set up SAML for your InVision V7 team as well as enable SCIM provisioning in InVision V7.

Configuring Okta to allow SCIM provisioning

To configure Okta to allow SCIM provisioning for your InVision Enterprise members:

    1. Sign in to Okta, click the Admin button, click Applications in the main navigation, and select your InVision V7app from the list.
      Note: This should be the same app you configured for SSO for your InVision Enterprise team.
    2. Click the Sign On tab and, under Credentials Details, ensure that the Application username format dropdown is set to Email.
    3. On the Provisioning tab, click Configure API Integration, and then click the Enable API integration checkbox.
    4. In the Base URL field, enter the SCIM API URL you saved in step 6 of the SCIM provisioning in InVision V7 instructions.
    5. In the API Token field, paste the authentication token you copied in step 7 of the SCIM provisioning in InVision V7 instructions.
    6. Click Test API Credentials.
      Note: If the test is successful, you will see a verification message just above the Enable API integration checkbox.
    7. Click Save.
    8. In the left panel, click the To App tab. Next to Provisioning Features, click Edit. Next to Create Users and Deactivate Users, select each Enable checkbox, and then click Save.

You can now assign people to the app (if needed) and finish setting up the InVision application in Okta.

WarningEditing a user's email address and/or name in your IdP app will not update that user's profile in InVision V7.

Importing InVision members to Okta

After using Okta to configure your Enterprise for SCIM provisioning in Okta, you can import the members of your Enterprise from InVision to Okta.

WarningIf you've already assigned users to the InVision V7 app in Okta, importing your members from InVision may then require repeating the assignment step for any members who were already accounted for in Okta.

Import members

To import your InVision members to Okta:

  1. Sign in to Okta, click the Admin button, click Applications in the main navigation, and click the InVision V7 link.
  2. Click the Import tab.
  3. Under Import Results, click Import Now.
    Note: Depending on the size of your organization, the import process may take a few minutes.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the imported user list, select the checkbox for all users, click Confirm Assignments, and then click Confirm.
    To confirm assignments for one user at a time, click the checkbox next to the user's name instead.

Activate imported members

To activate members you have imported:

  1. In the main Okta navigation, click Dashboard.
  2. Under Status, click [Number] people need their account activated.
  3. Under Activate People, click Activate All.
  4. Click Activate.

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