Can I set a custom logo for my Enterprise sign-in page?
  • 20 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Can I set a custom logo for my Enterprise sign-in page?

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Article summary

With InVision Enterprise, you can set a custom logo for your Enterprise sign-in page. Note that you must be an admin on the account to perform this action.

This logo will not impact branding for your prototype share links. To create custom branding for your Enterprise share links, check out this article: How do I customize the branding on my prototypes?

To set a custom logo for your Enterprise sign-in page:

  1. Sign in to your Enterprise account and, at the top of the page, click People.
  2. Click the ••• (more) menu and then click Company Profile.
  3. Under Company Icon, click Choose File and upload your logo.
    We recommend a PNG or JPG that is 400x400 pixels.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Save.

The next time you sign in to your Enterprise account, you should notice the new custom logo.

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