Switching and viewing versions through the plugin
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Switching and viewing versions through the plugin

  • Dark

Article Summary

Within the DSM plugin for Sketch, you can switch to earlier versions. So, while you’re working in the plugin, if you want to revert back to an older component, you can switch to an earlier release and make that comparison or even view it on the web. There’s a lot of flexibility and visibility in DSM when working with your design system history right on down to component history.

In Sketch, you can switch versions via the DSM Sketch plugin: 

  1. Open the plugin and, to the right on the system name. 
  2. Click the version drop down (it may say Draft or the version you're viewing).  
  3. Select the preferred version, and select Switch.

You can now access the version through the DSM managed library by selecting C on your keyboard to bring up your library components. 

To view a design system on the web, simply hover over the name and select the arrow to open the DSM web portal in your browser.

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