Activity: Diagram and map your system architecture
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Activity: Diagram and map your system architecture

  • Dark

Article Summary

It's now time to plan and document what the system and library architecture!

The structure of your design system influences what design files you need to create, how your components will be created, documentation, library structure, as well as how developers will tie their coded components. So it's something you need to put some thought into.

We recommend approaching this as a cross functional conversation and take into consideration not just the MVP you’re building but your larger design space.


Spend some time in Freehand figuring out the structure of you Design system and the sketch files you'll need to create (We have a template to help you get started!)


  • Designer(s)
  • Developer(s)


We've created a framework to help you get started. Copy and paste the below freehand template into one you create in your team's InVision account. 

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