Navigate around Design Systems Bootcamp
  • 31 Jan 2023
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Navigate around Design Systems Bootcamp

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Article Summary

Now you’ve learned about Kickstart Bootcamp, choose your desired path! Remember, if you're starting from scratch, we recommend going through the entire learning path. 

TipFor mature design systems, we’ve curated a list of topics most mature teams are looking for guidance on and provided links to it below. We hope this helps.

If you’re looking for tips around how to structure your design system, naming conventions, or how to work collaboratively on your design files, check out our resources below:

If you’re looking for guidance or tips on how to build out your sketch file, build master components, or build for theming, take a look at the following resources:

For insights on versioning, contribution models, and documentation tips, see:

If you’re a front-end developer wanting to learn more about design tokens or our storybook integration, check out:

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