Sharing InVision V7 prototypes to a mobile device
  • 25 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Sharing InVision V7 prototypes to a mobile device

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Article Summary

This article provides answers for InVision V7

To confirm your version, check the upper right corner of your dashboard.

Preview prototypes directly from your mobile browser with the mobile feature.

To preview a mobile prototype on an iOS or Android phone:

  1. Open your mobile prototype screens in Play mode (P).
  2. At the top right, click View on mobile.
    Note: This will create a public share link.
  3. Scan the code with the camera on your mobile device. A public link to your prototype will open in your mobile browser.Generating a QR code to open an InVision V7 prototype on a phone

This feature is only available for mobile prototypes. Mobile sharing is not available for other device types, such as desktop or tablet.

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