Manage access to groups
  • 02 May 2023
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Manage access to groups

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Article Summary

This article provides answers for InVision V7. If you're on InVision V6, read this article instead. Not sure which version you're using? Find out now.

Sharing a group works like sharing a document—quick and convenient!

Add people to a group

To share a group:

  1. Sign in to your team:
  2. On the left sidebar, select the group you want to share.
  3. Under the name and description of the group, select Share.
  4. In the To: field of the share dialog, enter the name(s) of any teammates you want to add, and then select Invite.

You can also add new teammates by entering their email addresses in the To: field. When adding a new teammate, use the drop-down list next to the email address (after selecting Invite) to define whether to add that person as a member or a guest.

Remove people from a group

To remove someone from a group:

  1. Sign in to your account and open the appropriate group.
  2. Under the name and description of the group, select Share.
  3. Hover over the user in the list, and on the right side select Remove.

    It's not possible to remove the creator of a group.

Manage group sharing settings

The group type you choose gives you control over who can discover and access your groups:

  • Members of [Your Team]: All your teammates can discover and access the group.
  • People Invited: Only teammates you have explicitly invited to the group can discover and access it.

To change a group sharing settings:

  1. Sign in to your account and open the appropriate group.
  2. Under the name of the group, select the current group type.
  3. Choose the sharing setting you want.
  4. Select Save to confirm.

Leave or delete a group

To leave a group:

  1. Sign in to your team:
  2. On the left side, select the group you want to leave.
  3. Under the name and description of the group, select••• More > Leave Group. If you are the creator of the group, you see the option to Delete Group instead.

Transfer ownership of a group

Admins can transfer ownership of a group if the team share settings allow admins to manage all documents and spaces.

  1. Access the group you wish to transfer to a new owner.
  2. Select Share.
  3. Beside the name of the person you wish to make the owner, select ••• More > Transfer group ownership

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