Creating a wearable device prototype in InVision V7
  • 05 Jan 2023
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Creating a wearable device prototype in InVision V7

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Article Summary

This article provides answers for InVision V7. If you're on InVision V6, read this article instead. Not sure which version you're using? Find out now.

Many designers like to include space for the device's status bar, so InVision V7 defaults to that.

If your mobile screens look cut off at the top, please change the Status Bar Style setting:

  1. Sign in to InVision and open your prototype.
  2. At the bottom-right of the console, click the ••• (More) icon.
  3. In the settings dialog, click the My design starts below the status bar checkbox.
  4. Click Apply settings.

With InVision, you can create prototypes for wearable devices like Apple Watch and Android Wear.

To create a prototype for a wearable device:

  1. Sign in to InVision.
  2. On the Documents page, click the Create button, and then choose Prototype.
  3. Enter a prototype name and select either Apple Watch or Android Wear.
  4. Click the Create button or press Enter.

Like any other prototype you create with InVision, you can upload screens from Craft, or you can drag and drop screens from your files. After adding screens, you can also create interactions.

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