Require user identification
  • 19 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Require user identification

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Article Summary

When sharing a prototype, you have the option of enabling a feature called Require user identification.

This setting does not require the person accessing the share link to have an account—it is simply a way for them to identify themselves to the prototype owner when viewing the link.

If you would like to also limit who can access a prototype, we suggest that you also password protect the share link.

To require user identification:

  1. Open your prototype and, in the top-right corner, click the Share button.
  2. In the share modal, click Link Settings, and then click More Options.
  3. Click to toggle on Require user identification.

If you are an Enterprise user, this setting will not appear if you have enabled the global setting, Require authentication for share links. When you require authentication, anyone who views the share link will need to be a member of your Enterprise organization and will need to sign in before viewing. To learn more, check out this article: Require authentication for share links

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