Disabled integrations
  • 05 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Disabled integrations

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Article summary

This article provides answers for Enterprise customers.

InVision offers many integrations to bring external documents onto one platform so your team can collaborate effectively. Enterprise owners or admins can choose to disable an integration at any time, but there are a few things to consider before doing so. This article will describe what happens to existing documents in InVision after an integration is disabled. To learn how to enable or disable an integration, see Configure integrations.

Disabled integrations and existing content

When an integration is disabled by your organization’s Owner or Admin, you can expect the following:

  • You won’t be able to use the integration to add new content to InVision.
  • Any previously added content may still be discoverable on the InVision platform. InVision won’t delete your data from the InVision platform, so you may still be able to discover files or documents that were added when the integration was enabled. If you don’t have access or permission to view the document on the integration’s native platform, you won’t see a preview of the content in InVision.

Deleting content from InVision

WarningIf you choose to delete a document, you cannot restore it—nor can InVision restore it on your behalf. Please proceed with caution.

Enterprise owners and admins can contact us to request that existing document data be permanently deleted from the InVision platform. If the integration is enabled in the future, your team will not be able to access the deleted content and would need to re-add all content as needed.

Frequently asked questions

Can I still use an integration after it has been disabled?

No. Once an integration is disabled, you won’t be able to use it to add documents to InVision. If you try to add a document to InVision using a disabled integration, you will see an error message explaining that the integration is not enabled.

What happens to documents that were added to InVision before the integration was disabled?
In InVision Home, Spaces, and search:
You will still see your documents in your InVision Home, Spaces, and search results, but you won’t see a preview of the document in the thumbnail. Clicking the document in InVision will open it in a new browser window where you will be prompted to authenticate your account on the integration's native platform. Once authenticated, the document will open on the integration’s native platform.

In InVision Projects:
If you are authenticated on the integration’s native platform, you will be able to see the content within InVision Projects. If not, the content will not be displayed.
What happens to documents that are embedded in Freehand?

If you’ve embedded a Figma frame in Freehand using the Figma add-on, the content will still be displayed in the freehand.

If you’ve embedded content in Freehand using an add-on that is now disabled, the content will not be displayed in the freehand unless the viewer is authenticated on the integration’s native platform. For example, if you embedded a Google Doc in a freehand and then the integration was disabled by an Owner or Admin, you would only see the Google Doc content in Freehand if you’ve been given permission to view the document on Google’s platform.

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