Activity Stream
- 30 Jan 2023
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
Activity Stream
- Updated on 30 Jan 2023
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
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Quickly view the progress of your prototypes using the activity stream.
Viewing activity for individual prototypes
To view activity for a single prototype:
- Sign in to your InVision V6 account.
- Open a prototype.
- Below the prototype name, click the Activity tab.
On this page, you'll have access to:
- An overview of your prototype view history
- A timeline of comments, changes, and views
- The duration of views, number of screens viewed, and comments left by users
Viewing activity for the entire account
To view activity across all prototypes in your account, navigate to the top of any main page and click Activity.
Using the drop-downs at the top right of the activity stream, you can filter results based on different criteria.
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